Flower Arranging Class

Our Classes

We have a wide range of activities that we think you might like! From Art and Drawing through Table Tennis and Scottish Country Dancing and through the alphabet to Yorkshire Dialect. We have so much to offer.

See the list of classes below. For more information on our range of courses, we now have an Online Prospectus.

Term Dates (2024-25)

  • Autumn: Monday 7th October – Friday 13th December 2024.
  • Spring: Monday 6th January – Friday 14th March 2025.


Enrolment sessions will be held as shown or will take place at the first session of each class. All members who attended classess last term will automatically be reserved places unless we have been advised that they no longer wish to continue.

Early Enrolments
Wednesday 11th September: Birstall Library 10.30 to 12.30
Thursday 12th September: Mirfield Library 10.30 to 12.30
Friday 13th September: The 3 Strand Cafe,
Long Causeway Church,
10.00 to 12.00
Wednesday 18th September: Dewsbury Library 1.00 to 2.30
Saturday 21st September: Mirfield Library 10.30 to 12.30

What does it Cost?

Membership is £5 per year enabling you to enrol for any number of classes. Third Age's Membership Year runs from 1st October to 30th September in the following year.

Members may enrol at the first class session unless they have previously enrolled at one of our Early Enrolment sessions.

The classes cost £20 for the 10 week term, per class.

    The fees are different for the following activities:

  • Book Club : annual membership fee plus an enrolment fee of £8 for the year.
  • Reading Great Literature Together : membership fee plus £10 per 10 week term.

Some classes also arrange to meet during the Summer and class fees will be charged based on the length of the term.

Since there is no membership card or number, it is essential that the receipt is retained and presented at the first session of each class.


We always welcome suggestions for a new group, activity or pastime, particularly if you could offer to run the new group - or know someone who can.

Policy on Full Classes

Limits have to be placed on some classes because of the nature of the activity, availability of room space, facilities and equipment or the ability of the tutor to assist the number of students.

As an organisation, we have made the decision to give priority to existing students. However, the situation changes constantly and classes operate a waiting list. If you would like to be considered for a class, should a vacancy arise, please leave your contact details at any enrolment session or contact us by telephone or email.

Where groups have a waiting list, if a member does not attend for three consecutive meetings without informing the tutor, they may be deemed no longer to wish to attend that group.