About Us

Batley Market 2019


The organisation was formed in 1985 to give over 50’s an opportunity to take up new interests and to meet people. We provide a wide choice of subjects in informal daytime classes. All our classes are friendly and relaxed.

We are a registered charity and are not funded by any other organisation. Our aims are the same as University of the Third Age (U3A) but we are not affiliated to U3A. Our thanks are due to Kirklees Cultural Services, Libraries, various other venues.

A News Letter is issued to every member each October and January, giving updated information. We also now have a Facebook page to publish local events.

Whilst the Third Age advertises as much as possible, the best advertisement is your recommendation.

Term Dates

Third Age's Membership Year runs from 1st October to 30th September the following year. The Term Dates for 2024/25 are as follows:

  • Autumn: Monday 7th October – Friday 13th December 2024.
  • Spring: Monday 5th January – Friday 14th March 2025.

Our Tutors

All our helpers are voluntary, including tutors, on whom we are totally dependent. We offer our grateful thanks to all of them.

Would you like to be a Tutor/Leader? There are no qualifications required. You only need a love of your subject and a wish to help others lead a fuller life.

The Charity
More information to follow.